Discover your hidden gifts, create in your zone of genius, develop your core business offer, and claim your income potential

Dear Fellow Creatrix,

Thank you for being the type of woman who seeks more. More truth, more life force, more self-expression. You are so needed on the planet, more than you likely even know. It is time to activate the part of you that knows she can create anything, do anything, and be anything

The invitation of Creatrix Calling is a deeply spiritual and internal journey to awaken your ability to Create on Command. Imagine with me…

You are so aligned with the truth of your soul that it radiates from you like the star that you are. The frequency of your truth shines through every single thing you create; your offers, your copy, your social media posts.  Imagine that your signature offer to the world is encoded with the energetics of possibility, truth, and expansion that you live as a spiritual practice in your life.

People are magnetically attracted to your work because through you, they feel their truth. Through you, they feel their victory. Through you, they remember. 

THIS is what’s possible as a graduate of Creatrix Calling. This is your invitation to step into the next-level of your creative self-expression, success, and expansion. 

Weather you’re just getting started in business or you’re a seasoned industry queen, this experiential deep-dive will inspire the depths of your truth and being. 

There are 3 types of women who thrive in Creatrix Calling.

Creatrix Dreamers:

Women who have a business idea and the seeds of a vision but haven’t taken action yet to launch it. If you know there’s something burning inside you to create but you’ve been stopped, this course will guide you to break through.

Creatrix Risers:

Women who have already launched their business and have paying clients but crave more consistency of income and client flow. You know there’s more possible for your business, let us show you how.

Creatrix Achievers:

Women who are well into their journey of business and are looking to create their next big offer, receive support through a transition, or desire to expand their current offer through next -level pricing.

If you’re ready to take a quantum leap into the ownership of your success, we got you. 

I know what it feels like to be stuck in the loop of insecurity and confusion. The mind can be a dangerous, dark place, especially when you’re overthinking your next steps. The mind can play tricks like thinking “what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I be successful like HER?  Am I behind? Am I too late to do what I want to do? Will I ever be able to see the results I see happening for others?”

Here’s the thing love: you KNOW you have something amazing to share. Trust that. At some point, you have to take the leap and go all in on yourself. What do you have to lose? 

When you learn & expand the one-to-many, leveraged group coaching model, you’ll forever transform your business. With this business model, I’ve watched countless clients consistently hit $10-30K, and even $100K+ launches in their businesses. 

This is about taking your soul-aligned work and turning it into a one core offering, then learning your unique success path in the marketplace. When you design your soul-aligned signature process (core business offer), you can launch it year after year and it will grow, develop, and deepen with your evolution. 

It’s time to reclaim your voice and discover the depths of what has been calling you. Your creativity. Your abundance. Your self-expression. Your sharp businesswoman.

Some part of you knows, SO much more ease and success is possible… but you haven’t been able to figure out the missing piece that makes it all click.

That missing piece you’ve been seeking is your one simple, core offer. A scalable signature process that will allow you to leverage your time, serve more people, and finally create your profitable business – all while doing the work you truly love.

And if you’ve already got your core offer on lock, great. We’re going to work in the realm of subtle energetics to expand what you’ve currently got– to turn on that magnetic force field of success around you.


Let’s go back to the basics.

A pure intention.

A clear product vision.

An energetically aligned leader.

A compelling offer.

This is your time to trust yourself!

Are you willing to take a leap on a new model and stretch into a new income level?

Look, it’s too crowded of a market for mediocre offers. I want to help you stand up, own your gifts, and learn a process that will support you well into your future.

What sets you apart from the rest is YOU. Your essence, your professionalism, your integrity, your spiritual gifts, your wisdom.

Once you have the energetics of your offering set, then… and ONLY then… you need the structure to carry out the vision in a strategic and creative way. Intuition first, then the strategy of the mind second.

Claim My Spot Now

Woman, are you ready to claim your gifts, step into your greatness, and finally become the high-value coach, lightworker, and entrepreneur you know you can be?

Think of Creatrix Calling as the riverbanks for your success…

  • Feel a deep sense of permission to trust in yourself and in The Universe
  • Practice daily rituals to tap into your spiritual essence so you can create from your overflow
  • Learn the step-by-step process to get your Core Offer + Signature Process and Pricing Model off the ground
  • Execute the basics of Market Research and create a product that is grounded in market desire, connected to an intuitive awareness of what people most need and are willing to pay for
  • Step into an environment of other Creatrix Queens where you’ll be totally supported and nurtured

In This Video…

You’ll hear from past clients of Jolie Dawn to get a taste of the magic that happens inside Creatrix Calling.

I want you to meet an archetype inside of you… it already exists, actually.

…the one who can guide you back to your divine wisdom, your inspired motivation, and your drive to create something epic…

the Creatrix within.

“She who creates her life”.

Let me remind you of something that will bring you a deep exhale of relief… You don’t have to have all of the answers right now.

You are bigger than the knowingness of your mind, dear soul.

Your spirit is the secret sauce.

The essence of your soul has all of the answers, you just need to be able to hear the quiet whispers.

I want you to meet an archetype inside of you… it already exists, actually.

…the one who can guide you back to your divine wisdom, your inspired motivation, and your drive to create something epic…

the Creatrix within.

“She who creates her life”.

Let me remind you of something that will bring you a deep exhale of relief… You don’t have to have all of the answers right now.

You are bigger than the knowingness of your mind, dear soul.

Your spirit is the secret sauce.

The essence of your soul has all of the answers, you just need to be able to hear the quiet whispers.

The Creatrix asks us to remember the codes of the Quantum Universe & remember that anything is possible as a function of our intentions and our willingness to be in massive action. You have to choose this for yourself! You have to wake up one day and commit to pursuing your own greatness.

The Creatrix reminds us— every single human has the right to tap into limitless abundance and we are all equally worthy.

The Creatrix asks us to not suffer in loneliness or suffer in silence… she nudges us to return to sisterhood for true support.

The Creatrix asks that we fall back into our innate feminine wisdom, she who creates life, and therefore, knows the codes of life itself.

Are you ready to meet your inner Creatrix?

Are you ready to create, manifest and actualize the great soul project of your life?

Featured in…


My name is Jolie Dawn.

and I’m an intuitive business coach.

My art is helping women awaken their spiritual gifts, embody their value, and grow their businesses to six figures and above.

I’m a recovering perfectionist, anxious mess of an overly-ambitious lightworker. When I first ventured into the coaching world, I was a lost cookie. I took bad advice, tried to force things to happen, and even invested multiple 5-figures on fancy internet marketing funnels that never converted a single sale. Ouch.

Finally one day, I got tired of looking outside of myself for answers. I was ready to leverage my time so I could serve more people and finally support myself at the level I wanted in my business.

I drove out to the forest in San Diego, sat down with my big sticky notepad, and spent the whole day mapping out my first group program. I wrote out every piece with deliverables, lessons, and a clear structure. I mulled it over and moved things around until it felt just right. 

Then, I ran my first beta test of it! I enrolled 20 women at $500 each and had my first $10k launch! A few months later, I launched it again and made $20k. All with ZERO paid advertising! 

To this day, the courses I teach are a time-tested and perfected version of this exact course. Every time I launch this course, it’s a 6-figure launch. Today I’ve had over 35 successful online launches, built a multiple 6-figure business, and helped my clients earn over $3 million over the last 4 years. Every single time I launch is multi 6-figures, with my last launch being $325,000. And it all started with this structure and that day in the forest of San Diego. 

My business finally hit that critical point of growth when I developed my signature process and learned the one-to-many group coaching model.

Now I want to show you exactly how I made this shift in my business and how you can do the same.

Are you ready to dive in?

Prepare for a new experience of female community.

The Creatrix community is all about collaborative sisterhood, encouraging each other’s success, and feeling love & support like you’ve never felt before. Sweetheart, you belong here. It is safe to THRIVE here.

Experience feeling completely held and empowered by a sisterhood of like minded, entrepreneurial women who will become your lifelong friends and support system.

The perfect amount of hand-holding and booty-kicking! We’ll embrace you when you’re down, and give you a push when you need to get back on track.

Course Outline


7 Video Training Modules taught live by Jolie on Tuesdays

6 Guided Visualizations by Jolie (one new meditation per week to listen to daily

7 Live Q&A and Hot Seat Coaching Sessions with Jolie Dawn + the Creatrix Team

Private Facebook Group for support

Member’s portal for easy learning environment

Lifetime access to content + all recordings

PDF downloads

Can’t make a call? Not to worry, everything will be recorded and available in your member’s portal.

Creatrix Calling is the first step to training with Jolie Dawn and the Prosperity Queendom, Inc team. It is the prerequisite to Creatrix Academy (business launch accelerator + retreats) and Creatrix Publishing (Amazon bestselling author book publishing).

This program is for you if…

  • You are a lightworker, coach, healer, and service-based business
  • You are committed to do the work it takes to grow your business and show up to the process.
  • You would like to build a Signature Process for your business, by starting from scratch or taking your current offer to the next level of vibrational signature.
  • You are open to meeting new friends, and are interested in building more sisterhood in your life.

Not for you if…..

  • You exclusively have a physical products business, or you’re in an industry outside of professional services: coaching, healing, personal development, etc.
  • You’re uncoachable, or not willing to learn new things.
  • You do not want to have a core offering for your business, and not looking to time leverage or scale.
  • You are closed to women connections and have no plans of being a contribution to a women’s group.

If you’re a Yes to the columns on the right…

If you identify with the columns on the left… divine timing, not a match right now, we’ll see if there’s another program that may be a better fit.

Days Hours Minutes


I’m ready to unleash my Creatrix Calling!

Registering now for just $5997

I’m A Full-Body Yes

Once you purchase, you’ll shortly receive a welcome email with an intake questionnaire. 

For the first time ever, we’re offering our Prosperity Energy Healing Certification in conjunction with Creatrix Calling.

Did doing the Dare to Prosper Challenge open something up for you? Are you curious about the techniques used to facilitate such a deep meditation experience?

I invite you to come on a multi-week journey with me where we decode the patterns of the mind and teach you how to do unconscious energy healing.

We start with understanding the basics of hypnosis and the true intentions behind the symbolism used in the Dare to Prosper Challenge. You’ll learn how to do a distance energy healing (what we did in the pink room with the wise old women), and explore metaphor energy healing (what we did in the prosperity garden, and with our animal spirit guides).

The result is the Prosperity Energy Healing Certification. This is a profound method that combines multiple bodies of work as well as my own creations. It looks at how the mind unconsciously holds on to scarcity beliefs. You’ll learn to clear the core 4 beliefs around scarcity: shame, anger, grief, and fear.

You can put this certification on your bio and cultivate your expertise in prosperity consciousness. If you want to add a new and powerful skill to your tool kit, we invite you to come join us.

Prosperity Energy Healing certificate

For the first time ever, we’re offering our Prosperity Energy Healing Certification in conjunction with Creatrix Calling.

Did doing the Dare to Prosper Challenge open something up for you? Are you curious about the techniques used to facilitate such a deep meditation experience?

I invite you to come on a multi-week journey with me where we decode the patterns of the mind and teach you how to do unconscious energy healing.

We start with understanding the basics of hypnosis and the true intentions behind the symbolism used in the Dare to Prosper Challenge. You’ll learn how to do a distance energy healing (what we did in the pink room with the wise old women), and explore metaphor energy healing (what we did in the prosperity garden, and with our animal spirit guides).

The result is the Prosperity Energy Healing Certification. This is a profound method that combines multiple bodies of work as well as my own creations. It looks at how the mind unconsciously holds on to scarcity beliefs. You’ll learn to clear the core 4 beliefs around scarcity: shame, anger, grief, and fear.

You can put this certification on your bio and cultivate your expertise in prosperity consciousness. If you want to add a new and powerful skill to your tool kit, we invite you to come join us.

Investment options

Creatrix Calling Lite Experience

$ 1997
  • Creatrix Live Sessions
  • Video Modules
  • PDF’s, Meditations, & Bonuses
  • Private FB Group
Enroll Now Payment Plans Available

Creatrix Calling Full Experience

$ 2997
  • Creatrix Live Sessions
  • Video Modules
  • PDF’s, Meditations, & Bonuses
  • Private FB Group
  • Prosperity Energy Healing Certification
Enroll Now Payment Plans Available

Creatrix Calling VIP (10 Spots Only)

$ 4997
  • Creatrix Live Sessions
  • Video Modules
  • PDF’s, Meditations, & Bonuses
  • Private FB Group
  • Prosperity Energy Healing Certification
  • (2) Private 2-Hour Small Group Coaching Session w/ Jolie
Enroll Now Payment Plans Available I didn’t believe I could ever change my money story, but I remained ‘ALL IN’, and was greeted by the most welcoming support of the community.  I see how far I’ve come, and I can genuinely EXCLAIM Prosperity! My entire life and future has changed because of working with Jolie. I am so grateful I chose to dare, and now I THRIVE. Jesse C Jesse C


What if I can’t make a live call? If you can’t make a live call, no worries! All calls are designed to be recordings and will be available in your members’ platform within 24hrs. I’m not usually interested in women’s groups and programs. Why is this different? Sometimes negative experiences or feelings around groups of women and the potential dynamics can cause hesitancy. I assure you, our community is different. We cultivate an environment where you get to choose your level of engagement with the other women in the program. If you want to form close friendships and have high-touch support, this group will hold you and cheer you on. If you prefer to take care of your work and your practices independently, that’s ok too! The intention of the group is for you to have support and connection through the process when you need/want it. What if I’m brand new in my business? This program is designed to help meet & support entrepreneurs at a few different levels. Usually, 20-30% of our class is brand new in their business. This is the perfect foundation to build for a sustainable business with long-term success. In fact, this is the exact kind of support I wish I’d had when I was starting out in my coaching business. What if I’m already an experienced coach or business owner, will this challenge me? This course is perfect for the experienced business owner who is looking to get back to basics & simplify. Here you’ll have the chance to restrategize and come back to the drawing table. The principles you learn here are ones you’ll return to each and every time you develop a new offer. No matter how many launches you’ve had, simplicity and returning to the basics is always where success lies. What if I’m not ready to lead a group coaching program?

About half of the students in Creatrix Calling don’t feel experienced enough to create & run a group program yet. There are essentially three tracks available in this course, you choose the one you’re ready to step into!

  1. Create & launch your signature group program
  2. Design your group program and launch a beta course
  3. Design your signature process and use it with your 1:1 clients until you’re ready for a group launch
What is the pace of the class? Every Sunday a module will be unlocked in your member’s portal. You‘ll have a week to watch the recording before the Q&A call or integration session with Jolie and the team members. Do you guarantee results? You’ll leave Creatrix Calling with all of the information you need to build out your core offer, take action on your market research, and to prepare to take your offer to market. You’ll get out of this program what you put in. We’ve had clients who take this on 100%, have extraordinary results, and end up launching their 6-figure businesses. And, we’ve had some who are just absorbing information and preparing for the future. You choose how you want to play! If you’re interested in having more launch support, after this program you’ll be invited to join Creatrix Academy. This is our advanced course on structuring your launch from start to finish, where people see $10-100K launches on average. How many hours a week should I expect to be working The average amount of time reported on coursework in Creatrix Calling is about 3hr/week. Don’t worry, you can move at your own pace and you’ll have lifetime access to the content so you can go at your own pace.

Already Feel Like You Have Got Your Signature Process Down and you are Ready to have the biggest launch of your career?

Apply Early For Creatrix Academy, Our 4-Month Launch Accelerator Program For Fall Of 2021

Apply Now Your calling is bigger than you. Your Creatrix is Calling!!! Xoxo